Course 13: Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Training (each session is 4 to 6 hours)
In this course, you will learn the basics of the performing a Job Safety Analysis (JSA), which is a proven process for controlling operating hazards and costs. You will get a step-by-step overview of the process, and define your role in making it effective. Through lecture, demonstrations, and workshops, you’ll learn how to develop and manage a JSA program in your workplace. You’ll also learn how to enlist participation from line employees, supervisors, and upper management. The result: Better processes make a safer workplace – and that means improved production and higher profits.
This course is only offered as a private offering at a client’s site. Please contact PII for details about having our training provided at your site.
Recommended prerequisites: None
Who should attend:
- This course is for anyone involved in operations and maintenance that needs to know how to perform JSAs of new or existing tasks.
- In addition, full-time safety practitioners, safety committee members, safety coordinators, safety specialists, human resources, safety managers, loss control managers, and operations managers can benefit from this course
There a maximum of 15 students per 4 to 6 hour session.
Take Home:
- Comprehensive course notebook containing
- Understanding JSAs and when to do them
- JSA terminology
- Understanding JSA’s relation to continuous improvement in your organization
- Identify the key requirements for a successful JSA
- Recognize the hazards inherent in task performance
- Develop appropriate solutions and hazard controls
- Example management system
- Workshop: Complete a JSA for example at your site (or using standard examples in course) to reduce personal injuries and operating costs (repeated 2 or 3 times, as time permits)
Bill Bridges is a primary instructor for this course. He has done more than 100 JSAs and has trained hundreds of plant personnel in how to perform JSAs. To find out more about this course or to check into having this course taught at your site, contact Mr. Bridges at 1.865.675.3458 or by e-mail at