Course 17: Selecting the Right Manufacturing Improvement Tools (1-Day)

At the latest count there were some one hundred tools for improving manufacturing performance. At times the selection process can be overwhelming. At other times, a tool is selected, and gains are achieved, only to disappear within a year or two. How do we know what improvement tool is best suited for our organization? How do we know when to apply it? What are some of the fundamental issues we must address, regardless of the tools selected? This seminar is designed to enable you to relate your circumstances and issues to the tools and techniques, so that you can best decide which are relevant for you. It will help you select the right tools, at the right time, for the right problem, and then sustain the improvement achieved.

This course is only offered as a private offering at a client’s site. Please contact PII for details about having our training provided at your site.

Selecting the Right Manufacturing Improvement Tools Course 17 | Process Improvement Institute