Expertise of the Process Improvement Institute

Our consultants and instructors are internationally recognized experts in risk assessments, risk management systems, PSM, and loss prevention. They are among the very best in the field because they combine complete theoretical understanding of their topic with the experience that is necessary to discriminate between something that works only in theory and something that works in practice.

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Our instructors have trained over 10,000 in PSM-related topics, including over 4500 investigators, 5000+ PHA leaders, 3500 PSM experts and auditors, 1000 procedure writers, and many others on other topics.

Our personnel have led over 600 PHAs (qualitative risk assessments or HAZOPs; most of these were of entire units), over 240 major investigations, and over 70 major PSM and risk based process safety (RBPS) audits. They have developed and implemented effective MOC programs, procedure writing protocols, and hazard review (risk assessment) methodologies. They are among the most experienced PSM experts and instructors in the world. They have served as chair or co-chair of 11 major international conferences on PSM and have authored or co-authored over 40 articles/papers on PSM topics and were co-authors of the following definitive textbooks for AIChE’s Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS):

  • Guidelines for Safe Automation of Chemical Processes, Second Edition, CCPS/AIChE, 2017

[pending] (Mr. Bridges is a committee member)

  • Guidelines for Enabling Events and Conditional Modifiers, CCPS/AIChE, 2013 (Mr. Bridges was a committee member and contributing author; this is supplement to the original LOPA book, which was co-authored by Mr. Bridges and Mr. Art Dowell, both of PII)
  • Guidelines for Independent Protection Layers and Initiating Events, CCPS/AIChE, 2015 (Mr. Bridges was the principal author; this book was meant to be an essential supplement to the original LOPA book, which was co-authored by Mr. Bridges and Mr. Dowell, both of PII)
  • Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, CCPS/AIChE, 2008 (3rd Edition) (this is the definitive text on performing PHAs; Mr. Bridges and Mrs. Tew were contributing authors)
  • Essential Practices for Managing Reactive Chemicals Hazards, CCPS/AIChE, 2003 (Mr. Norsworthy was a committee member and contributor)
  • Guidelines for Investigating Chemical Process Incidents, 2003 (2nd Edition) (this is the definitive textbook on investigation; Mr. Bridges and his staff were major contributing authors)
  • Guidelines for Analyzing and Managing the Security Vulnerabilities of Fixed Chemical Site, CCPS/AIChE, 2002 (Mr. Norsworthy was a committee member and contributor)
  • Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA), CCPS/AIChE, 2001 (Mr. Bridges and Mr. Dowell were the two primary authors; this is the definitive text on semi-quantitative risk assessment)
  • Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, CCPS/AIChE, 1991 (2nd Edition) (this is the definitive text on performing PHAs; Mr. Bridges was a contributing author)
  • And, they have co-authored 6 related standards for the US Department of Energy, as well as authoring or co-authoring the definitive papers on:

    • How to address human error/factors during PHAs (and HAZOPs)
    • How to analyze procedure steps for hazards/risks of performing steps incorrectly
    • How to make your PHAs comply with US OSHA’s PSM requirements
    • What are the Costs/Benefits of PSM compliance
    • How to get Near Misses Reported and Investigated
    • How to write effective operating and maintenance procedures
    • How to develop trouble-shooting guides from HAZOP tables
    • How to implement an effective LOPA program
    • How to perform incident investigations and root cause analyses

    A full résumé of each expert is available upon request; and we can provide you with a long list of references (your peers) that use us and can attest to the value of our services.

    PII has provided services and training to the following organizations …

    Air Products
    AMCDE (Saudi Arabia)
    American Electric Power (AEP), USA
    Apollo Group
    BAPCO (Bahrain)
    BP, USA
    BUTEMAC (Syria)
    China Light & Power, Hong Kong
    Cook Composites and Polymers
    Danieli (Italy)
    Delek Refining
    Dixie Chemicals
    Egypt Basic Industry Corporation (EBIC)
    Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC)
    Equate (Kuwait)
    General Electric
    GTI, Tampico, Mexico
    Gulf Petrochemical and Chemical Association (GPCA)
    Gulf Petrochemicals Industry Corporation (GPIC)
    HADEED (Saudi Arabia)
    IPSL (Trinidad)
    Irving Oil
    J. Ray McDermott, Dubai, UAE

    Johns Manville
    Johnson & Johnson
    Kennecott – Rio Tinto
    LANL (US DOE site)
    Marafiq (Saudi Arabia)
    MOL Pakistan
    NOVA Chemical
    NEXEN (Yemen)
    NGC – Trinidad
    Parker, USA
    PETRORABIGH (Saudi Arabia)
    Phoenix Park Liquefied Gas Ltd, Trinidad
    Pictsweet, USA
    S.W.I.F.T., USA
    SABIC (nearly all affiliates; Saudi Arabia)
    SAHARA (Saudi Arabia)
    SIPCHEM (Saudi Arabia)
    Shaw Group
    State Lands Commission – California
    Sun Chemical
    Superior Wells Services
    Swiss Re, Zurich, Switzerland
    Titan (Malaysia)
    Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
    TORAY Plastics
    US Department of Energy (DOE)
    US DOD
    Voescht-Alpine (Austria)
    Washington Savannah River Comp (US DOE Site)

    … and many others

    PSM (Process Safety Management) - Process Improvement Institute