Following classroom training, your staff most likely need coaching (hands-on training) by an expert, to help complete the training that has begun; PII staff are excellent coaches.  Also, even if you have trained staff, PII can provide consulting services to support or augment your staff if they are over-loaded.  And, we can provide independent reviews of your processes or management systems.

PHAPII has a more than a dozen engineers with expertise in doing Process Hazard Analyses (PHAs) (using HAZOP, What-If, FMEA, and/or Checklist methods) of existing processes and new processes (projects).  Our staff each have over 20+ years of experience in process safety and are expert at developing and implementing Process Safety Management (PSM) programs, leading investigations and root cause analyses, assessing PSM and reliability systems, writing operating and maintenance procedures, and implementing equipment reliability systems (mechanical integrity systems).  If you need assistance from PII in any of these areas, please contact us so that we can help you determine an optimal approach for this assistance.  (Typically, if we are asked to lead an effort (such as lead a PHA or lead an effort to develop PSM measurements), we include site personnel in all aspects of such an effort so that they can learn more quickly how to do the same.)

Please click on the links below for a detailed description of individual services offered: