Course Evaluation
Relevance of Course Material to Your Work:* AllHalfVery LittleNone
Rate the Course Manual with Regard to Its Use as a Resource for Future:* Very UsefulUsefulOf Some UseNot Useful
Rate the Length of the Course:* RightAbout RightLongShort
Rate the Meeting of Course Objectives:* Met All the ObjectivesMet Most of the ObjectivesMet the Objectives PartiallyDid Not Meet the Objectives
Rate the Venue and Teaching Aids:* Very SatisfiedSatisfiedModerately SatisfiedNot Satisfied
Rate the Balance Between Theory and Practice:* Good BalanceMore Theory, Less PracticeMore Practice, Less Theory
Instructor Evaluation
Knowledgeable and Experienced in This Subject:* AgreePartially AgreeUnsureDisagree
Presented the Material Clearly and At a Reasonable Speed:* Clear with Reasonable SpeedClear But FastReasonable Speed But UnclearUnclear and Fast
Used Clear Examples to Illustrate Key Points and Involved the Group in Discussion and Activities:* AgreePartially AgreeUnsureDisagree
Kept You Interested Throughout the Course and Covered the Subject Matter Adequately:* AgreePartially AgreeUnsureDisagree
Overall Rating of the Instructor:* ExcellentGoodAveragePoor
General Comments
Overall Impression of This Course and Suggestions for Improvement:
* Fields marked with an asterisk are required.