
Can a final element, such as an air-to-open control valve, be shared between a BPCS control loop that is the cause of a scenario, and an SIF that is an IPL for the same scenario?

If you used LOPA to determine if you need a SIF and to identify what SIL is required (if any), then you cannot share or partially share a final element.  So, if the BPCS control loop is the cause (initiating event) and that loop uses the final element in question, then that same final element [...]

By |2022-05-01T22:26:55-07:00January 29th, 2014|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Can a final element, such as an air-to-open control valve, be shared between a BPCS control loop that is the cause of a scenario, and an SIF that is an IPL for the same scenario?

When to Use a Risk Matrix and Risk Tolerable Criteria

We don't recommend using a risk matrix during PHAs/HAZOPs. matrices are good tools to teach risk concepts, but in a well led PHA/HAZOP they reduce quality more than they increase quality. To see much more details, download and read this free paper: http://www.process-improvement-institute.com/_downloads/Optimizing_PHA-HAZOP_While_Maximizing_Brainstorming.pdf We use a risk matrix and a risk tolerance criteria only when [...]

By |2013-09-06T11:08:30-07:00September 6th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on When to Use a Risk Matrix and Risk Tolerable Criteria

When should PHAs (HAZOPs, etc.) Be Performed During Major Projects?

The short answer is you need to perform PHAs in phases, from conceptual stage, through preliminary and detailed design, and then complete these during the pre-commissioning stages (as mentioned by Bryan). The PHAs build upon each other and the completion of the final phase PHA becomes the Baseline PHA. The tools used change from phase-to-phase, [...]

By |2016-12-07T01:33:36-07:00September 6th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on When should PHAs (HAZOPs, etc.) Be Performed During Major Projects?

Use of Internal PSM Audits by OSHA Inspectors

Before the OSHA PSM standard became official (May 1992), OSHA said that they would not use 3rd party or even first party (internal audits) of PSM against a company, but then they add "initially".  When asked by us what this meant, they said the first few years of implementation of PSM; this was to encourage [...]

By |2016-09-05T09:48:16-07:00August 17th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Use of Internal PSM Audits by OSHA Inspectors

PSM (process safety management) – Basics: What it is and isn’t.

Firstly, you cannot "write a PSM" .... I'm not even sure what that would be. PSM is a not a document for compliance like some environmental studies. PSM, if done correctly, is a way to run a business. If developed and implemented right, it will control the human factors that control the human error that [...]

By |2016-12-07T01:33:36-07:00August 6th, 2013|Uncategorized|Comments Off on PSM (process safety management) – Basics: What it is and isn’t.
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