Human error is widely acknowledged as the major cause of quality, production, and safety risks in many industries. PII staff understand the underlying reasons why humans (both hourly workers and management) make mistakes and how you can prevent these mistakes. Although it is unlikely that human error will ever be completely prevented, there is growing recognition that many human performance problems stem from a failure within organizations to develop an effective policy for managing human reliability.
In addition to teaching you the key elements of Human Error prevention, PII staff can also provide coaching on how to apply:
- Job Safety Analysis (JSA) – a proven process for controlling operating hazards and costs and
- Safety Task Action Reporting (STAR) – a method for performing observations and coaching of peers in the workplace
to help reduce Human errors in your workplace.
PII also offers courses related to Human Error prevention, JSA and STAR (see courses 10, 13, 14 and 15 under “Training” or click on the links below):
- Preventing Human Errors (1 or 2 Day)
- Human Error Prevention – for Workers (1-3 Days)
- Job Safety Analysis
- Safety Task Action Reporting (STAR)
In addition, feel free to download papers written by PII staff related to Human Error Prevention, JSA and STAR under the “Free Resources” tab (or click on the individual links below):
- Human Factors and Their Optimization
- Human Factors Missing from PSM
- Addressing Human Factors During PHAs
- Impact of Human Error on LOPA
- Accounting for Human Error in SIL Verification Calculations
- LOPA and Human Reliability – Human Errors and Human IPLs (Updated)