Greetings conference-goers, and welcome to the first day of the 2022 AIChE Spring Meeting and 18th Global Congress on Process Safety at the Henry B. González Convention Center/Hyatt Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas! And yes – we’re finally in-person again! Please note that Process Improvement Institute has the following activity on Monday, August 11th:
PII engineer Matías Massello is co-chairing the Spanish-language group with different sessions covering Perspectives on Process Safety from Around the Globe all day from 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM located in Conv. Ctr. 05. Review the different scheduled presentations to see which Spanish-language subject might apply to you!
At the end of the conference day (5:00 PM) PII will have the following three posters being featured at the Poster Session (Session #52) in Conv. Ctr. Exhibit Hall 4B:
- Using IE and IPL Failure Rates to Establish Initial Inspection Intervals, and Maximum Out of Service Time, and Deferral Time Limits for Critical Process Safety Features (Board #51; Paper #52bb)
- Technique to Perform Petrochemical Complex-Wide Inadvertent Chemicals Mixing and Reactivity Study (Board #47; Paper #52p)
- Business Case for PHA of Procedures (to find the accident scenarios that are otherwise missed; Board #50; Paper #52s)
And remember to visit Process Improvement Institute’s Booth #617 at the conference to discuss all your process safety issues with the PII experts! While you’re there, pick up a giveaway card, fill it out and drop it in the box at the AIChE booth. Drawings will be during Monday and Tuesday evenings. Prizes for each evening include an Apple Watch 3 and an AIChE Fleece! You must be present to win the giveaways.
Once the show is over, we invite you to visit the Free Resources section of Process Improvement Institute’s website to download important process safety documents presented right here at the online conference, along with many others!