Greetings virtual conference-goers! Process Improvement Institute is pleased to be offering the only Short Course at the 2021 AIChE Virtual Spring Meeting and 17th GCPS – our short course on Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) – on Sunday, April 18th, one day ahead of the main conference opening!

Visit the 2021 AIChE Spring Meeting & 17th GCPS Short Courses page to learn more about our special Layer of Protection Analysis short course, to be taught by LOPA pioneer William Bridges, the President of Process Improvement Institute. This short course will run from 9AM – 5PM Central time / 10AM – 6PM Eastern Time.

You can register for this short course by selecting the course title during the 2021 AIChE Spring Meeting and 17th GCPS online registration process, or call customer service at 1.800.242.4363 to add the course to your registration.

We invite you to enroll in this short course, as well as view the upcoming presentations on April 19th, April 20th, April 21st, and April 22nd!

We’ll also be conducting two social hour networking sessions during the week:

Day and Time: Monday, April 19th; 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Networking Topic Selection: Center for Chemical Process Safety
Table Title: Ensuring Complete PHAs
Room: Process Safety
Room Format: Open discussions at tables

Day and Time: Thursday, April 22nd; 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Networking Topic Selection: Center for Chemical Process Safety
Table Title: Human Factors Within PS
Room: CCPS
Room Format: The room will start as a stage for a brief presentation, then switch to tables for open discussion

We hope to see you there!

And remember to visit Process Improvement Institute’s virtual booth at the conference and enter our sweepstakes for a chance to win one of our GREAT prizes, including complimentary registration in one of our process safety training courses (valued up to $2500!) and Amazon gift cards ranging from $50 to $500!!

Once the show is over, we invite you to visit the Free Resources section of Process Improvement Institute’s website to download important process safety documents presented right here at the online conference, along with many others!